
Showing posts from July, 2023

Stage seven - Dursley to Wotton Under Edge

Stage seven - Dursley to Wotton under Edge Back on the trail Strava; CW stage 7, Dursley to Wotton under Edge After a long break of some three months we were pleased to once again be back on the trail. Once again and for the second time we were privileged to have number one son with us on part seven. Logistics are still manageable at this range and so our plan for this stage was; drive to the start of the route, walk, then retrieve by bus. Since I had a prior arrangement in the evening, we needed to make it reasonably short, so Dursley to Wotton at approximately eight miles seemed doable. Checks for bus times complete, we set off to the start point and parked in Long Street car park in Dursley, the bonus surprise being parking is free up to 23 hours. Soon we were off once again and not long after making our way through the main shopping street were heading up May lane, past the Old Spot inn and up Hill road. From here the trail leaves the road and climbs up through the leafy apth to th